Mobile Recording Equipment for Saxophone
It’s been a challenge finding a place to record some sax stuff in my small condo, and all the music places (stores/studios/etc) are closed due to COVID-19. Then it dawned on me that I can record in my car!

I had to figure this out asap because my friend and former bandmate Richard Borja asked me to record a sax solo for a song he’s been working on. He asked me to post my equipment so here it is.

- Audio interface: M-Audio AIR 192|8 (bonus: gets power thru USB)
- Microphone: Shure B98H (from wireless mic system) + Shure RK100PK adapter to connect directly to via XLR.
- Earbuds: Shure SE425-CL
- Not pictured: MacBook Pro 13″ using Studio One 4